Speed Builders

Speed Builders

When you join a game (that consists in 8 players) each round you will be showed a building that you have to memorize in 10 seconds or 15. After the time runs out you will have to rebuild it having jump boost and materials in inventory. After you do it perfect or the 1 minute time limot runs out , the judge (a guardian) judges all the buildings and calculates the percent of the original building you did correct. The player with least percent gets eliminated every round. If there are 2 or 3 players left and they have the same percent (more like perfect) , it goes more rounds till 1 gets more then others and till 1 remains and wins.

Gameplay video: https://youtu.be/e6z12GWCI2A , https://youtu.be/6D11zHImxHQ .

#1285 - Status: shortlisted

6 years ago by DynamoFTW for GameModes