Extreme Ranked User's w/e Capability

In the creative server, Extreme Ranked users have a variety of world edit commands. Ranging from //copy; //paste, //outset, //set, //generate, etc. But one command that isn't given, and would be tremendously useful and efficient is the //brush command. The //brush command is useful when creating mountain/mountain ranges, hills and valleys, ravines, and even massive trees. Having this option in-game would opt for better builds from many different users and would make the Extreme rank more beneficial towards the player, thus more sales. However, I do see the problems with lag while using this command, but with //generate commands that I put through, that can sometimes take minutes to generate, it shouldn’t be all that bad. I do realize that ExtremeCraft staff read hundreds of suggestions a week, and that they must be exhausted, I do appreciate all that they do to make ExtremeCraft a better place. But, if it wouldn’t hurt, please do consider this suggestion.

Thank you, SeesonSynthetic

#1280 - Status: closed

6 years ago by HornsOfBaphomet for Commands

Answer: Closed

//Brush is bugged since a long time and we're unsure whether it will be fixed or not
A constant usage of the command will lead to an outage of memory even if with just 1 player using it.
Now if we would allow all extremes doing it creative would crash in no time every few minutes

6 years ago by NxDs