BedWars Updates.

/Mail Read
Tnts doesn't work on some blocks
Add teamchat
We need to do /helpop in game so if we faced hacker
Buff fireballs it doesn't break blocks and it can't push players so high
make the rejoin cooldown as death cooldown
the NPCs on the spawn don't acutally show the players playing in the gamemode
Fix Tab some players don't show in the game which make us leave our bed unprotected then green mines it but green is not at tab
Lower the packets if you can please cause it lags the game a lot i think or try find some way to stop the players lag
Let the games in maps selector stop moving and make us able to spectate
make spectate players chat doesn't get shown to players ingame it for some reason shows

#11489 - Status: closed

1 week ago by SWKing for General

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! We're happy to inform you that the feature you requested is already planned

1 week ago by _OnePro_