Fix the economy

It's really a silly decision to make such a drastic change to the economy mid-game without any proper planning in place. If it happened after the next reset it would have been a better decision given the fact that every player is given a fair chance. Making such a huge change in economy is really thoughtless decision. For a big change like this a proper planning must be implemented as of what to do next which is not the case this time. A huge amount of active players have already quit and some are in the verge or quitting. So I suggest the economy and the shop system to be reinstated and if any change is required, that to be implemented after the reset (with a proper planning of course).

The admins should really stop misusing the power. People a paying real money to play here after all. (I'm extremely sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. But truth had to be told.)

#11466 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by ByMarce for Improvements