Please Add a Top list for
Elo and Score
if possible add rewards for them as well
Also make them possible to see in website just like top voter
Make the Elo and Score common between all servers and Reason why :-
Elo directly/indirectly shows a PvP skill of a person
So here I want to ask why are PvP skills rated in only one server when the person PvPing is gonna PvP with same skill in other servers too
Score represents howmuch a player is hard working in extremecraft is
so it shouldn't be limited to one server insted directly adding scores of all servers which directly Shows a player's capabilities in this server
As I have stated the reasons above
This will help people competing more fairly and gets help in making PvP party and in case of score it might help in players find capable person make teams or to find for a perfect job
#10720 - Status: open
6 months ago by Ha_Rsh for General