
Take way /money [player name] and /token [player name]

I have SO MANY people messaging me asking me to buy things via PayPal daily and asking me to buy things with my tokens. I don't want to be rude and ignore it and I'm new here. I shouldn't be bombarded just because other players see I clearly have no life and spend my money on video games xD or give players an option to turn it off so others can't see. Would greatly appreciate anything that could be done to help make it a little more new player friendly <3

#10668 - Status: rejected

1 month ago by ItsTinaaaa for Commands

Answer: Rejected

Players being able to check the balances of eachother is essential in the overall trading scene. Don't be afraid to use "/ignore (name)" if someone is bombarding you with requests, don't worry about it being rude :) . But being able to check the economy of others is crucial to the economy functioning.

1 month ago by Wisnu