

Hello dear EC staff community, its been many times and people are starting to get pissed off of it... i hope i don't get problems saying it here? as there is no /tcf in the suggestion, i just wanna make a suggestion that to removed or make the censor evasion ALOT less stricted... rn saying the nigga is fine, saying the full nword? is ban/mute/jail/what ever... so to be fair? it should be included... but at the same time!!! its ridiculous that you can't say 'shiiii' this has been a thing that people get used to, me as content creator, and visuals as content struggle HARD with this, we use the word shiiii a lot and we get muted for censor evasion???? its just wayyy to stricted and should be a lot more relaxed and more thought about what you actually mute someone for,

short : Censor evasion is way to sensitive, and there should be put more attention into what someone is actually trying to say before muting, as a content creator this SUCKS to get muted for it every time.

Thanks for reading, and i hope you understand that we/i don't mean anything bad with saying these words here, i just wanna show how ridiculous it is rn

#10649 - Status: closed

2 months ago by stealself for Improvements

Answer: Closed

Hello, and thanks for your suggestion. However, due to the way the censor is, it stops swears coming through constantly. We would have to add every single word ever and different things such as symbols or letters or words, that would take way too long to add. It cannot add spaces either so it wouldn't work like that either.

It's not the hardest to not censor evade.. just swear normally and it gets muted. You're muted instantly and automatically by the punishment system we have because we don't allow things to bypass it as it; 's their as protection from people who don't want to see swear words.

2 months ago by _OnePro_