token shop

1 : most of the kits are useless in /tokenshop and the only decent ones are spawnegg kits just because of 2 or 3 eggs inside of them so a good solution to that would be to get rid of spawn egg kits and be able to buy every individual egg for a diffrent price depending on the price of item drops on /shop ! hell it could be even dynamic pricing !like sg 300 tokens ig 100 strider 50.
2 : spawn egg key is just bad ! 300 tokens to get what ? bee egg ? no im not taking that . i buy kit4 and i get 11 mil by selling it on /ah ! this problem needs to be fixed so you can access the specific egg you need ! the spawn egg key should be just the best eggs
3 : smithing template for 900 ????? this one is insane !!! u can duplicate them for almost free !! why would this item be that expencive ??? people are selling it in their shops for 1k ! :DD
4 : achievements should reset every 3 month so you just dont run out of tokens for ever !

#10647 - Status: open

2 months ago by DICT4T0R for Improvements