Faction Suggestion

Disallowed Cannons:

Mid Air Cannons (At any Y level)
Any U-Fusions Cannons
Roof Cannons
Phase Cannons
Corner Cannons
Push Cannons
Left/Right Shooters
Cannons must be raidable once the cannonbox is breached (No fully watered cannons).

Patching with gen buckets, schematica or sandbots when under raid is not allowed.

Insiding is not allowed.

Make Creepers Damage Obsidian.

Mining Value
Mining spawners will cost you money and you can only break each spawner 3 times.

Hiding Value
Factions are not allowed to hide Value in Wilderness.

Spawners take 10 days to reach full potential. (Time can be change able up to yall)

Till this day factions had no regen chunk limits if staff approves we want limits to regens if this limit comes people will need a /f shield aswell since staying up awake
for 24hours is a hard thing and we all have a life.

Add /f fly for wilderness.(If allowed 2x flyboost max)
Add Lava Regen Buckets.(This can be changeable if regens get a limit)
Add Sandbots for Cannons.(Please bro i dont wanna use sand genbucket to fill my cannon every 2 minutes)
Bring back Cannoning.
Add Printer for Faster Building.(It legit takes an hour to build a cannon)

#10564 - Status: shortlisted

3 months ago by Danyial for GameModes