Increase the Money from Natural mob

Dear EC Staff Team and Dieu
As we know that only mob from spawners can't drop money, but natural mob does. To get more money we need more spawners, isn't it too spawner-based ? Some of us has started to make a natural mob farm but by somehow thể spawn rate is getting nerf very very slow. That's maybe not the way reducing the lag for EC ?
I would like to see a small boost for Natural Mob spawn, to decrease how we are too depended by spawners(Also the loot from spawners is a bit too low that 1 voting side can even give more money than an hour of afk), increase money dropped from Natural mob would be good.
At the end, thank you for reading my suggestion and hope you can make this change.
If you have any reasons why you couldn't do it, please write it clearly. Tysm
Best Regards

#10513 - Status: open

4 months ago by KewLinh for General