
this are my suggestions on what to add with crates more could come in the future.

1. Egapples:
- Introduce a rare chance (approximately 0.05%) for players to obtain Epic Apples
- This provides an alternative method for players to acquire Egapples without spending tokens.

2. Legendary Keys:
- Implement Legendary Keys as rewards to incentivize player voting and engagement around 0.01% chance.
- These keys could offer players a chance to obtain superior tools and items, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

3. money bag:
- Specifically, review and modify the money bags to align with the economy of each server. This is especially crucial for Survival, where current prices may be causing imbalances.

#10512 - Status: rejected

4 months ago by TheDutchMan for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

3 months ago by _TwoPro_