Everyone Loves spawners

As the map is becoming more and more explored and often even x-rayed, spawners are becoming extremely rare to find. The world expansion feature was a great idea, but sadly no one is putting their money on the line to expand it. At the same time the rich are becoming richer by buying all the spawners at super inflated prices, while the poorer are left holding nothing.

I believe that there should be an alternative way to obtain spawners, either trough vote crates or straight up buying them in /shop. This would prevent the massive inflation of prices as there would be a nice and healthy supply of them. At the moment the prices are so inflated that the ROI is over two months of 24/7 afking those same spawners. This makes using spawner farms very underwhelming for those who do not have massive farms as you'd need to afk for a week, to buy 1 new spawner which doesn't even make a dent in your income.


#10511 - Status: rejected

4 months ago by Vrext for Improvements

Answer: Rejected

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Unfortunately for one or more reasons we have to reject your submission but please feel free to post another one!

3 months ago by _TwoPro_