Survival improvements

Here is a list of some improvements that can be applied to survival after the new reset:

-Ability to lock a claim so no player can access it at all or just /claim ban or smth like that.
-Ability to enable natural mob spawn or disable it inside claims.
-Events that are outside pvp and focus on survival or challenges that exclude pvping or mob fighting (like farming contest...)
-Community challenges: achieving a certain amount of mob kills or specific task that rewards all players who participated (killing bosses, fishing...)
-Adjust /shop prices: leather/rabbit hide/spider eye should have fixed price in my opinion as they are mob drops and there is no reason to have it on dynamic as they don't serve i big purpose in economy. Also readjusting some existing fixed prices are they are mostly results of dynamic prices before getting set to fixed (exp:raw mutton is 1.33$ and should be updated to 1.40$ or 1.20$) so we can get more clear view of an item's price and not bunch of random numbers. Buffing the iron price to 3$ or 4$ as iron golems farm kills them in slow way and by having the prices increased it will restore back the ig meta and reviving the spawners economy.
-Add the ability buy a certain number of an item in /shop: it should be easier to buy the exact amount of blocks / items needed and not having to buy more or sell the rest later to gain some time.
-Add golden enchanted apples to crates and /tokenshop: the price for the gapps is always increasing as the players are constanty buying and not selling considering the rarity of that item and it's low chance to naturally spawn.

This should be it and if i find anything that worth informing or suggesting ill do it in an other suggestion.
Thanks for reading.

#10315 - Status: closed

5 months ago by aujwdbiuaw for GameModes

Answer: Closed

Thanks for submitting your feedback and showing interest in our server! Another suggestion of the same kind has been posted by another user

4 months ago by _OnePro_