Skyblock points

Please add a feature (for example in /is who) so that we can see which member of the skyblock team has added how many points. It would be extremely valuable. Thank you!

#10942 - Status: open

3 days ago by StefXVI for Skyblock



Monthly quest win 60 chat games seems impossible please lower the amount. (Also there are some other quests that are REALLY hard to do compared to other really easy one which I will not mention here - maybe in another suggestion)

#10930 - Status: open

6 days ago by StefXVI for Skyblock


/shop prices and /is addpoints

Hey, make it so everything in /shop to sell is always 50% of buy price, so its harder to get is points by just buying anything in shop (if u do u lose 50%). As getting top is to easy right now by just getting cash and changing it to points 1:1.

#10879 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Skyblock eco

Ore generator at Skyblock has no point right now as all ores are useless and at 0.1$/ price in /shop
What the point of the sky grid? if someone wants to play Sky grid he can go to Skygrid, idk why would you put that to Skyblock.
The current realm is the most afk skyblock realm i have ever seen, I told to you dieu 3 days ago and now I'm sure it is the most afk realm ever. Its basically 1$ c.. See more

#10865 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Event Crates

Hey, I think you should add Extractors and Chesthoppres to the Event Crates.

#10863 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 weeks ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


List of players

In /is hof, when you click an Island make that it shows a list of all the players in that specific island, maybe with the skulls of the players.

#10855 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by iH4x0rBunny for Skyblock


Lets try higher HOF rewards for skyblock reset.

Hey, my reset skyblock every 8 weeks suggestion got accepted recently, I think it would make skyblock more active if the hall of fame was:
#1 500 / #2 400 / #3 300 / #4 200 / #5 100 voucher or with some PayPal payout as well, in that case, players will be interested in making bigger teams, as right now top islands manage to fight for the top with just 5-6 players as its not worth to split 200 e.. See more

#10840 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Towny block values

Hey I suggest changing block values to this:
-Copper Blocks - 7->5 points (same as lapis, the ores drop to much to give 8 points)
-Waxed Copper Blocks - 8->6 points (sure, waxing is waste of time let them add 1 point by that)
-Gold Blocks 6->10points (Emeralds will stay 1,5x better then gold, but 2,5x is to big of a difference in my opinion)
-Redstone Blocks - 0->5 points (Why no.. See more

#10837 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 weeks ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Island levels colors

Hey I suggest to make lvls colors changes requirment lower 50k -> 100k -> 250k -> 500k -> 1mil -> 2.5mil - > 5mil -> 10mil instead of 10k -> 100k -> 1mil -> 10mil.

#10595 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Nether Spawners

Instead of removing nether spawners reduce the amount of 3 to 2 and make nether unlocked on level 500. If staff goal of removing those spawners was avoiding spawner abuses it will make it a lot of work to earn 2 spawners this way as 500 levels is for example 26 stacks of diamond blocks or 51 stacks gold/emerald blocks.

#10594 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Chesthopper money to Island Bank

Hey, make it possible to set chesthopper or extractor income to go into island bank so big islands with many members can easily spread the money and make island bank value private for other islands so players could hide their income without /withdrawing with 2% fee.

#10586 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Fixed price for unobtainable items.

Because Skyblock does not have access to the open world, some blocks are unobtainable even through trading. For example cobbled deepslate where in survival it can only be obtained by mining blocks way below y=0, and due to the dynamic price in /shop, these blocks continue to rise in price since no one can sell back into the system. Can we set these unobtainable blocks as fixed price the same wit.. See more

#10585 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 months ago by Riyuuji for Skyblock


Exp bottles price

Make exp bottles price fixed as its not possible to do the quest for 1000 exp bottles projectiles

#10581 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Make saplings price fixed

Hey some saplings cost over 100k a stack right now in /shop, I think the price should be fixed so its not that high.

#10579 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


New command -> /is preview

Welcome, I suggest adding a command /is preview that will allow players to preview their Island level without updating on /is top or chat.

#10566 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Haste III Potion

Welcome, I think it would be a fun thing to add Haste III potion that would make eff6/eff7 pickaxe instamine oregen. But in order so no one uses it all day I would add it to /tokenshop depending on how long the potion duration is. I suggest a 30-minute potion for 250 tokens.

#10565 - Status: open

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Zombified Pigman eggs in Vote Crates

Welcome, I believe that Zombified Pigman eggs should be added to vote crates, snowman and vindicator as well as these are 3 most useful eggs in skyblock and the only way to get more of them is to buy in /store, the /quests cant allow u to buy to many.

#10561 - Status: rejected - See reply

4 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock



Please make non-valuable blocks a fixed price. many people would like to build but dynamic prices are getting ridiculous.
Also making iron blocks able to be sold would give meaning to Iron Golem

#10553 - Status: open

4 months ago by sebastianx57 for Skyblock



Welcome, because of the name I assume Orecollector is supposed to have instamine in oregen but still it works just as slow as eff6 pickaxe. Please fix that.

#10544 - Status: open

5 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Packed Ice

Add Packed Ice to Resource crates or make Ice in /shop price fixed because getting Packed Ice is almost impossible now at skyblock.

#10535 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock



Nowadays skyblock got a lot harder since the only way to catch up on island top is from afking to spawners and mining oregen.
Spawners are really hard to get and most of the people go hard p2w to just catch up on top.
I'm suggesting to add an easier way to get spawners like vote crates. People that play without spending any money will have a chance to catch up with top players, game wil.. See more

#10532 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by UnderA_IControl for Skyblock


Island Fly

If you have unlocked island fly, it should be enabled by default when you go to your island.

#10507 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by BloodNoon for Skyblock


Skyblock season duration

Hey, I don't know what the current staff's idea of how often Skyblock will be reset but I suggest making it a short time maximum of 8 weeks because after a couple of weeks of gameplay, you can not catch up to an insane amount of spawners that top islands obtain, and all players do is afk. Making it 8 weeks or shorter will keep the server alive all the time and will give players the optio.. See more

#10506 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Enable /tp,/afk in spawn

Please enable /tp,/tphere,/afk,etc in spawn, I dont know why its disabled but its quite annoying to go to my is and then send or accept a tp, or the fact /afk can't be used at spawn.

#10493 - Status: open

5 months ago by Tita_n for Skyblock


Setting for Hunger Bar On Island

Add nolosing Hunger Bar when members are on the island in /is settings

#10492 - Status: rejected - See reply

5 months ago by KewLinh for Skyblock