Fix discord link

Y'all's discord link is broken plz fix lmao

#10954 - Status: open

8 minutes ago by SteamyMolecule for Global


Add event jump starter to skyblock

Skyblock votekeys are not very useful
The valuable things in the crate are spawners chesthoppers and spawnextractors which have a 1/5000 of dropping
Also events happen very rarely in skyblock
The event jump starter would be a great addition, maybe with a 0.2% chance of dropping so it's not way too common

#10952 - Status: open

1 day ago by Mfss for Skyblock


/t online

It just shows you who’s online just like in town, but it could be used for everything like sky block factions that stuff

#10951 - Status: open

1 day ago by fishing_scout for Global


Farming /quests

I know there's till/bonemeal achievements but maybe add or replace those with Farming achievements.

Farm x amount of berries/potatoes/carrots/wheat/nether wart/pumpkins/melons/etc for tokens/BP XP.

#10938 - Status: open

5 days ago by Tabsx_ for Global


Crops Farmed for Hoe's

So there's mobs killed and blocks mined for /weaponkills on sword, axe and pickaxes. Can we please add Crops Farmed on hoe's? I think a lot of people would enjoy this feature :3

#10936 - Status: open

5 days ago by Tabsx_ for Global


Rate for staff ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I think this should be an option for every player to rate for staffs and also add a comment after rating and make it necassery (to avoid false ratings), if they were good boys the can promote and if they got average ratings they stay on same level and if it was negative rating then they should be demoted as fast as possible, and the ratings reset every 1 month.
btw I don't see a good idea t.. See more

#10935 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 days ago by Oo_Scavenger_oO for Global


Making scams in /ah punishable Or..

We need to take a step forward.. And think about all the new players joining the server everyday. Imagine grinding money for 4-5 hrs straight.. And getting scammed at last. We have been noticing alot of /ah scams especially Chesthoppers or Extractor. This has lead to many scams.. especially to the new players.. As they don't know about the "lore" thing. But keep in mind.. y'all have ano.. See more

#10932 - Status: open

6 days ago by FlickstrX for Global


Punish /ah title scamming

In the last 24 hours there have been 19 fake chesthopper scams in skyblock. Start punishing this especially since it affects mostly new players (so EC won't be getting any new community as it seems). For the love of god, start caring about your server. (The suggestion isn't only about skyblock but to be applied in all servers)

#10931 - Status: open

6 days ago by StefXVI for Skyblock


Making 1.8 servers

May I speak on behalf of everyone who has played 1.8 on this server? 1.20 pvp is garbage. 
Like many other suggestions, it has been proven that 1.20 pvp takes no skill; the person or party with the better gear or more players wins.
I'd suggest we combine Extremecraft back to an 1.20 and 1.8 server (like OPsurvival was a 1.20 in a 1.8 server). 
I'm sure this is possible and makes Extre.. See more

#10929 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 days ago by maarniks for Global



make chesthoppers be able to pick up crops that are harvested as sometimes when the farm is huge the items may despawn and also make it able to add points to the island automatically like the auto sell option

#10918 - Status: open

1 week ago by RedIsProud for Skyblock


give perms to users to be able to /ignore staff

I think users should be able to /ignore staff, i know they are staff but what if users don't like some of them and don't want to see their messages? i think everyone should be able to /ignore jrhelpers and helpers if they got necessary message to you they can just send it through mails

#10911 - Status: rejected - See reply

1 week ago by heartfemboies for Global


Auto points on chesthoppers

Can we get a automatic chesthopper points? or something like that because you cant really make a farm cause the hoppers will get full too fast even if you use minecarts hoppers they wont work.. tried to add more minecart hoppers but then it start to despawn because of the limit of minecarts

So please add something to fix this issue


#10884 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by LitNez for Skyblock



why are you writting your name under the suggestion bro


#10873 - Status: rejected - See reply

2 weeks ago by MIBDILBUODNLPOOU for Global


Allow players to withdraw souls.

Allowing players to withdraw souls can allow for people to trade souls for money to people who don't have souls, but have a lot of money. it already happens in auction house due to the soul pouches, but would be nice to have exact numbers extracted from accounts.

#10869 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by greatestnoah for Global


/is vault /is chest

Can you add /is vault in skyblock it would make it alot easier to share the items that you want to share same with /is chest.


#10858 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by LitNez for Skyblock


Kits in /store

Back in the day we used to buy the kits we wanted from /store (like spawneggskit) and we had them permanently with a 5-day cooldown or something. But now in /store you can only buy tokens and with tokens you can buy the kit ONCE and usually people use tokens for spawners of course instead of spawneggs or build kit etc. So I'm wondering if you could revert this change so we can buy ag.. See more

#10856 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 weeks ago by StefXVI for Global


Rigged Towny HOF

If you're one of the players who was affected by this in towny please up vote, it seems thats in the last hours of HOF copper and gold values were changed. This change costed teams thousands of points and giving team shrine a HUGEE advantage in winning this HOF, while making the change in values copper dropped to 5 for normal and gold went up to 8. Why do this last second of HOF, true indica.. See more

#10849 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by iH4x0rSnail for Global



Hello, is it possible to buff swords? Because they are currently only seen as junk which is quite disappointing. The swords mcmmo isn´t really worth grinding since you cannot block with the sword and the damage output is just horrible. Please consider giving swords any kind of advantage besides the higher attackspeed so you can actually use them again. Thanks in advance.

#10847 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


Clan system

Hello Team.I play since over 4 years on the Server and i am missing like a clan system for more member and a better clan base and much more.Is it possible to get one i could send you one of mine if you need some.I hope its possible to get it inside of sliemfun or the whole server.

#10843 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by xXXxDragonixxXXx for Global


For new Skyblock season

First off all, this season of skyblock was kind of bad a lot of things got removed or changed that ruined the fun of skyblock. First the start of the season was fun it had a lot of ways to get top 1 and it wasn't all a /afk war. So i will begin with things that we want you to add or change

Table of contents
1. Block change
2. Points
3.Quest idea
5./shop changes
6.Pvp Chan.. See more

#10841 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 weeks ago by LitNez for Global


Decrease the mobhunt time to atleast 10 minutes

I would love to decrease the mobhunt time, it's really boring and the winners are those who use fireworks so doesn't matter either way.

#10836 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by Endeavourings for Global


Color in names

hello, it would be good if colors were added to the names as before, that is, green for those of your same faction, purple for your allies and pink for the truce, it is easier to identify people.

#10834 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Mr_buzzbean for Global


Skyblock soul bags

Hello i so that at other servers are added soul bags at crates can you also add at Skyblock we alredy have hardest time getting spawners than others servers it would help allot Thank You.

#10833 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 weeks ago by Tighugis for Global


Please work on slime fun

There is no big event or any special thinks coming on server and where as 100+ glitches and they are also not solve pls solve them

#10821 - Status: open

1 month ago by T_Tgursahil57 for Global


for what was I banned for??

i never used cheats or unfair advantage and other illegal stuff only my highest offense can be my toxic behaviour and that time i only became toxic because someone was making fun out of my nation and they were supporting genocide experts aka israel, apart from all these i was peacefully playing the game and went afk for 30 minutes and when i went back it said i've been banned for (ban evadin.. See more

#10797 - Status: closed - See reply

1 month ago by GreenDodge1 for Global