Town Vault

Would nice if you could somehow incorporate a /t (/town) vault command that town members or higher ranks can use to store things in, this could be useful for people to store valuables that could be shared within the town. If not everyone in the town having the command maybe having somewhat of a "vault trust system"

#10953 - Status: open

2 hours ago by iitsAlexii for Towny


new /quest

we sure have some traveling quests but we dont have elytra one so add the
glide with elytra quest in traveling side of /quests

#10933 - Status: open

5 days ago by Retired_D4rkness for Skygrid


More shards usage for co-owner / members

Let Co-owners/ members in a team to use their shards to /is upgrade the island.

Shards are very under rated currency in skyblock. Please, add decoration blocks or items in shards shop. like glowstone, sea lantern, item frames, leaves, glass etc

#10921 - Status: open

1 week ago by JazzyViper for Skyblock


Item Economy at /warp crates

Rare Items should have more value and some items should not exist, don´t get me wrong the new crates are very enoyable but at the same time you see many items way to often now and that should not be the case.

Vote Crate - Chesthopper/SpawnerExtractor 0,55% -> 0,15% ; The Orc-Bane 0,27% -> 0,05%. OreCollector = removed ; Photon Shovel = removed ; Shield = removed ; Brrrrrrrr = removed ; .. See more

#10906 - Status: open

1 week ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


15x15 chunk and "beta" mode

Hi, my name is Scy i just finished building a massive 12x12 chunk base. I was about to claim my buffer and suddenly someone implemented this 15x15 chunk rule and ruined the experience for me. Since that is basically cheating and because no one wants to play on a "op factions" style server with a tiny claim size im not going to be coming back anymore neither will any of my friends. I was intially.. See more

#10905 - Status: open

1 week ago by ScYx17 for Factions


Add Lifesteal?

Hello, there are many servers with the most common game mode known as 'Lifesteal'. Soo many people like this game mode and many popular servers also have it. so, I just wanted to say that it would be very nice if it gets added into the server and I would really like it.

#10903 - Status: open

1 week ago by LOLPLAYZ099 for Global


2 months? 6 months? 1 year? 2 years? WHO KNOWS!?

I'm kinda done with waiting for answer of Dieu, it takes very long to get answers to a simple question, such as ''when will survival get a reset?''

Since dieu is apparently very ''busy'' irl? I will give you a shot and help you forward, as a lot of people just want a new fresh start! survival is boring at the moment.... With a complete unscheduled reset wh.. See more

#10899 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by stealself for Survival



Hi there, can you change the monthly quests to use bonemeal or other quests since it's tough to participate and win 60 chat games for the monthly quest because we can't win every round of chat games?

#10897 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by Iz1ne for Skyblock


Survival getting dead

I love EC and I'm giving the suggestion so that survival won't be boring af and pay to win people who pay more money are #1 #2 but people who don't pay money cant even be top 100 I suggest that the advantages given to ranked players should be reduced and basic things like breaking spawners with silk touch and making pwarps should be allowed for people to make without rank

#10891 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by ronnie for Global


Survival needs a refresh,

Dear EC, i would love to finally see a refresh in survival, players have been asking for it for long now, and since most are already done building their stuff? it should get a reset, most players are scared of a reset at this point... so won't really start a new project... so might aswell reset so everyone can be happy and play and build!

( or atleast plan a survival reset and announce pl.. See more

#10876 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by stealself for Survival


Vote Crate fixes

Hey, the /auctionhouse is currently being flooded with ChestHoppers and SpawnerExtractors since the chance to get them now is too common. Please lower the chance to 0.03 to give this special item it´s worth back and make it possible to sell them inside the shop for 1/10 of the money needed. Everyone is also flooding the Vindicator spawneggs, that´s because nobody want´s to use them, since they c.. See more

#10844 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by EarlKaiden for Factions



Could you reintroduce OpFactions for version 1.8.9 like it used to be in the past, and keep factions for version 1.20? This would provide greater diversity. Most players are over 19 years old and are accustomed to the older version of the game; they no longer have the time or desire to learn the new one. I guarantee that OpFactions would be a success and many players would play.

#10842 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by BAronOfDeath_ for Global



Why would we need a free Xray for everyone. Please remove /freecam this command should not exist in factions. Thanks in advance.

#10831 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by EarlKaiden for Factions


Bring back /go pvp

Bring back pvp gamemode

#10812 - Status: open

1 month ago by yhRizzy for Global


pvp mcmmo

please disable axe mcmmo and unarmed mcmmo its so bad for factions pvp we miss the old pvp not this new weird messed up pvp your armor will either break 1min into the fight or someone with maxed unarmed mcmmo will keep hitting you and make u drop ur weapon, the pvp right now is horrible, if you disable mcmmo in pvp it will actually increase the duration of fights, makes it skill based and overal.. See more

#10798 - Status: open

1 month ago by LitRealm for Factions



Hello ExtremeCraft Staff team,
As you remember back when the server was in 1.8 version we used to have minigames like bedwars,eggwars,skywars etc. In those gamemodes people would compete against each other gaining points to reach a certain level where usually the top 5 players would get a small voucher each month. I would love to see an update like this being brought back to the server and I th.. See more

#10793 - Status: open

1 month ago by T0GGLING for Global


Cannoning Server

Do I really need to reason out why we need a cannoning server xd?
Well maybe I still need to do it

We don't even know if our cannons will work on this server so by adding cannoning server back we can test out different stuffs.
It's pointless to build a cannon that we don't even know if it will work on the server or not. And it will be a hassle if we it is taking us ages to build.. See more

#10781 - Status: open

1 month ago by MekoV for Factions


Faction improvement

1:Add redstone tools in /shop the things we need are dispensers,observers,redstone dust,repeators,comparators,pistons,sticky pistons,ladders,scaffolds.
2:Solution for as you call it ''unraidable bases'' eaither reduce the allowed buffer from 20c to 12c or keep it 20c buffer and increase the power per player since with this power a faction can not even claim a 20c buffer,.. See more

#10767 - Status: open

1 month ago by NikoV for Factions


cactus price

change cactus from dynamic pricing to fixed pricing. i feel like theres no easy way for lower leveled players to make money unless they have spawners

#10764 - Status: open

1 month ago by ZVines77 for Skyblock


/is add levels

it would be nice to have the /is add levels command brought back from last reset

#10762 - Status: open

1 month ago by ZVines77 for Skyblock


Return of BossFights ?!

Putting boss fights in "ExtremeCraft" will give all the players the most interesting and challenging game. This allows players a big picture goal to achieve and feel proud when they won the key. During the boss fights, players can find themselves learning to cooperate and help each other out. The community of "ExtremeCraft" is requesting to Add "BossFight". Please make this happen. Ensuring that.. See more

#10755 - Status: open

1 month ago by FlickstrX for Global



why did u guys made network 200 it was 2k can u guys make it more than 2k or 2k cuZ 2k is just low

#10736 - Status: open

2 months ago by DragonXOX2 for Slimefun



Hello this is my suggestion. Please remove the villager nerfing addon or mod or data pack or plugin please. Its so hard to get gear bcs the villagers keep dying or losing profession please remove it so that pvp can be intense again

#10689 - Status: open

2 months ago by SyndicateRSA for Global


End levels

Hello I was asking if you can consider the blocks value at nether and end because we're using the overall world and it's becoming so laggy so I suggest some place where we can add the blocks without caring of lag like end and nether idk why the blocks value doesn't get counted to our lands it's back to us in the end yes.

#10685 - Status: open

2 months ago by Endeavourings for Skyblock



Hey Extremecraft, thanks for reading this, I hope everyone is doing good. I love this server, I've been playing since I was a little kid, now I can see that big changes had happened.

I would like to suggest that votekeys, have some bad things to achieve, I mean, before you had the chance of gettings spawners and some expensive stuff, and that was the thing that made us addicted to them, .. See more

#10643 - Status: open

3 months ago by Orioloo for Global