The DC server would be popping more then it is rn,

last night i was doing a challange, and i wanted to stream it but bcs it was 3am there was no point streaming on twitch, so i wanted to hop in a call on EC server, and call with people who were willing to watch the process of opening 2300+ votekeys for a video, me, discocreeeper, and visualsFTW were sitting in the EC dc call but found out we can't actually screenshare on jump on our cameras,.. See more

#10637 - Status: shortlisted

3 months ago by stealself for Discord



Acrophobia, is scientifically the fear of acronyms, however it has been brilliantly used by whose-it to make a whole new fundamental game simply called Acrophobia, you now know what Acrophobia means, now how will this command work ? Well since i have made it myself, i could tell you in a conventional way, BigBrother will give you a random acronym, from 3 to 6 letters, each player in the channel .. See more

#3775 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by SundaeMondae for Discord