Please bring back /afk messages

Used to be really useful for advertising shops. But the main reason being… I just really miss being able to let people know why I was afk! I’m not sure why it was removed in the first place, but maybe we can come to a compromise. Please consider EC team!~

#10939 - Status: open

4 days ago by OhCrackers for Global



Hey there! I've got an awesome and super fun idea. When you enter the faction player spawn, after leaving the main platform, most of the blocks are really close together and checkered. I was thinking it would be amazing if we could have a /spawnparkour command that, when activated, would remove the glass within the gaps and turn them into a cool parkour path! I understand if this might be un.. See more

#10901 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by RedLunarSkye for Factions


/is settime

Please create a command that allows you to set the whole islands time. would be mighty convenient.

#10890 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by sebastianx57 for Skyblock



it would be cool to use /sign to sign items for a a special things or collection

#10874 - Status: open

2 weeks ago by xXXxDragonixxXXx for Slimefun



Please make it so we can /condense snowballs into snow blocks. (I believe the same is true for quartz blocks and maybe some other like bricks). Thank you!


#10871 - Status: shortlisted

2 weeks ago by StefXVI for Global



Like old in opfactions, faction nexus rank can do spawn envoy if he's lucky. And now i suggest that please it back, 1 hour is too long to wait for 1 envoy also if u guys don't want to back it, can you make it lower the count of envoy instead of 1 hour you guys can make it 30mins thanks.

#10850 - Status: open

3 weeks ago by SecretsEys for Factions


Fix /containertrust

Make it so with /containertrust players can kill villagers aswell ( right now they can only trade villagers but not KILL villagers, eventho its a quest at /quests mob kills

Thank for reading,

#10808 - Status: open

1 month ago by stealself for Global


Add Command: Town Chat

Please enable the Town Chat Option. This Option comes with the Towny Plugin so implementing this change would not be difficult. Thank you!

#10751 - Status: answered - See reply

1 month ago by Agent_87 for Global


Allow more than 1 home for free players

I understand it is just making an incentive for players to buy the rank, but already not allowing the basic players to do that much is holding the server back. (you can call me cheap all you want, I just genuinely think free players could be allowed 2 homes, and all ranks could get a +1 to the home count)

#10744 - Status: open

1 month ago by mercifulbutlost for Slimefun


Party Leader Owner

Can you add /party ownertransfer/changeowner/transferleader/changeleader command? It would be less hassle for players who want to change party leaders, But will only apply to players who has/have party slots with 60+ party member slots, This would help the players not to disband the party and invite the players again to make a new party. I appreciate your consideration! <3

#10732 - Status: open

2 months ago by Pyxieo for Global


about role plays

i suggest making no /rp cooldown for people that has a specific rank or higher idk what rank but lets say if someone has a hero rank they dont have a /rp cooldown or atleast fewer time for them thank you for reading :D!

#10671 - Status: open

3 months ago by PinkBearBoi for Global


Take way /money [player name] and /token [player name]

I have SO MANY people messaging me asking me to buy things via PayPal daily and asking me to buy things with my tokens. I don't want to be rude and ignore it and I'm new here. I shouldn't be bombarded just because other players see I clearly have no life and spend my money on video games xD or give players an option to turn it off so others can't see. Would greatly appreciate any.. See more

#10668 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by ItsTinaaaa for Survival


About /ignore command

i think /ignore command is very necessary to be existed, But I suggest you put a limitation on it because it's really annoying when some sensetive people /ignore you for literally nothing all because they dont like you or other reasons that doesnt make any sense and when you chat in server, you simply get ghosted because of /ignore command
we would be happy so if you put some limita.. See more

#10664 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by nutties_nuts for Global


Features to Auction House

Hello there,
Can you work on the feature of checking someone's list on auction house?
Like If I wanted to check what a specific player is listing on /ah I do the command
/ah list <player>
and then Auction house GUI pop up and shows only the things that the player I chose is selling.

Also, another feature I saw somewhere if you did in chat [ah] it shows a pressable button for pla.. See more

#10636 - Status: open

3 months ago by Lucif1er for Global


a new feature that could be very handy!!!

its very simple.... add names of sellers to the /ah ( auction house ) history page, so u can see who sold a specific item maybe also add so u can see who BOUGHT the item,

#10635 - Status: shortlisted

3 months ago by stealself for Global


i almost lost everything i had....

as me, a person that is decently supplied have a lot of bullcrap in my chests, i was clearing everything and type /dis then TAB in order to get to /disposal. it came up with /disclaim.... i wanted to make this suggestion as everything was unclaimed, and had people in my base, pls either way JUST make it /abandonclaim and remove /disclaim, its really misleading... or if /disclaim keeps then make .. See more

#10633 - Status: open

3 months ago by stealself for Global


“/claimfly trust (player/all)”

This command would be useful for shop owners and community owners that would like to be able to give players the ability to fly around for easier access to areas of their builds or shops… preferably with the ability to give all players or a single player access to flying on a certain claim without the need to fully give them trust access; a similar command to “container trust”. Possible usage ex.. See more

#10627 - Status: open

3 months ago by OhCrackers for Survival


tp killers deserve a punishment....

i notice more and more tp killers in minecraft, unfortunetly i encountered one today, and went to the cords to attack him... i hit him and combat tagged him, but he /claim kicked me.... please fix that u can only do /claim kick when u are not in combat... it is kinda sad how tpkillers can get away with it this easily.

#10622 - Status: rejected - See reply

3 months ago by stealself for Global


/is settime

Its pretty self explanatory, Add changing island times

#10596 - Status: open

4 months ago by sebastianx57 for Skyblock


Add /is wealth, /town wealth

Like the pass have /f wealth at faction, opfaction also have /is wealth, so guys u can back this command, cause this is useful and so other player know how wealth the other player, they know how many spawner they have. Also hope in faction have also this thanks.
Hope this suggestion may read thanks <3

#10593 - Status: open

4 months ago by SecretsEys for Global



Yall guys shoul add the command /party ally [ign of owner of the party] and once we try to hit them we cant bcz of the ally this will help as we can team other parties who are neutral

#10518 - Status: open

5 months ago by XpTemp for Survival


MobHunt Better

Can you guys make it that when theres mobhunt event you can instant tp to spawn or pvp or your base because i cant escape while the mobs are hitting me and i get annoyed when i see higher ranks escaping while i die to mobs without being able to escape.

#10499 - Status: open

5 months ago by GalaxyNews for Global


/is lock

Allow owner of the island to give permissions to /is lock command for other members of the island. I don't see a reason why would that not be possible.

#10484 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 months ago by Skiuba_ for Skyblock


Add /Fly Command

i guess the price of Nexus rank should get this rank a special command
i suggest adding /fly for Nexus only
as its the highest rank here, and people who buy it Deserve a Special command like /Fly
Would be incredible having /fly for Nexus rank, make this rank special as his price is.
thanks, hope this suggestion get accepted

#10436 - Status: rejected - See reply

6 months ago by QueyGazer9_ for Survival


Toggle for Itemfilter

something like /itemfilter toggle, since the current command for /itemfilter is either /itemfilter off; /itemfilter on, its annoying having to type a diffrent command in when trying to switch between the 2. Just a QoL command

#10402 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 months ago by Sethsuna for Global