Mob Event

Hey, can you make it possible to mobs drop experience during the mob event. Like this, Mending can be used for something useful, instead of bringing several sets and not having enough space to get items from the mobs. Kind regards, x69_.

#10419 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by x69_ for Survival


Survival Chesthoppers

It would be very nice to see chesthoppers do the same thing as spawners and pop into your inventory after breaking. A lot of chesthoppers are by cactus and makes for very hard moving of them.

In addition to this, I'm not sure if possible. but a "change all" setting to chesthoppers would be sooo handy. Example: switching all chesthoppers to sell collect/autosell/ignore a specific item

#10387 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by sebastianx57 for Survival


/shop search

/shop search
You put in the name of the item you want to search for in the text bar and the item appears below

#10340 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by Tuberz_ for Survival


Adding Total Achievements and Completed Achievements

So basically, in the /quests GUI when we click Achievements, or when we hover on Achievements button, If it can show how many achievements we have completed in total out of how many remaining like "100/400" like, Just for us to know how much we have completed

#10313 - Status: shortlisted

7 months ago by yohazz for Survival


Add mobgriefing in claims setflag

Mobgriefing is disabled and villagers can’t pick up items. This restricts players from being creative in farms making because almost every farms requires mobs griefing.
It should be upto the player to decide if he wants to enable it or not. It should be disabled by default

#8054 - Status: shortlisted

3 years ago by Galvix for Survival


Some Ideas for Improvement in Opsurvival

1.) Add resources pets in quest crates or CTA crates as it is hard to get them in Boss Crates.

2.) The trusted players should not do /claimexplosion without any permission.

Thats the 2 suggestion for the improvement of Opsurvival after the reset. Thank You

#7513 - Status: shortlisted

3 years ago by KalaLion for Survival


/claim kickall

i think it would be nice to have a command to kick all of our claims, a so similar than /Claim kickall

#5271 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by zStormy_ for Survival


silking spawners

Ok so i've just accidentally broke a cow spawner with a pickaxe.
It's eff5 so it broke so fast the warning hasn't even shown by the time i broke it.
This got me thinking, why would someone break a spawner without silk touch?
Logic dictates that unless you are griefing or is wanting to waste money, you wouldn't breaking spawners without silk touch as you won't retireve it, .. See more

#4983 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by owocer for Survival


Party name display

Survival's average player count is 130-150, and 40% of those player pvp in the arena, most of them also are in a party to not hit each other.

I suggest to display the teammate player name in the party in blue (just like in factions, teammate are in green), there's no need to display "enemy parties" in red or anything. So in fights we know who we should hit, and who we shouldn't (w.. See more

#4399 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by Foxicc for Survival


Spawner Related

I think that it would be cool to add spawner upgrades. I really think you should add them to all servers with spawners and an economy system. I think you should be able to upgrade most or even some spawners to drop better items to make more money. This will make it so that the main and basically only income isn't cactus farms. Right now unless you have 30-40 Iron Golem spawners any spawner s.. See more

#3525 - Status: shortlisted

5 years ago by Ghoul_Gaming for Survival


Disable the ability for non-trusted players to throw regular eggs on other people's claims.

There has been numerous instances where I have logged on to the server and found 40+ chickens below my 9 chunk IG farm. This is not only a pain in the ass to remove them and a waste of time, it is also decreasing the efficiency of my farms by increasing the entity limit per chunk. People intentionally do this and laugh about it thinking its funny, but its literally an extreme inconvenience and c.. See more

#3363 - Status: shortlisted

5 years ago by MissPrime for Survival


Claim flying

remove fall damage if you go out of the claim when flying

#3271 - Status: shortlisted

5 years ago by tweefruitguy for Survival