continued useless eco on slimefun

still cant do anything with economy, /shop only gives stuff like blocks and farmable stuff, im not sure what to add but something half-useful should be added so the economy isnt completely 100% player-based (only use of money is stuff on /ah or chestshops etc)

Maybe even slimefun items in /shop idk might progress too fast but it'd be something to buy, we're already at a level of enoug.. See more

#10430 - Status: shortlisted

6 months ago by 4cherry for Slimefun



In RPG all the players can get the SF guilde and start making many cool items like stb items and blocks, machines, talismans and more.... There is only one problem: it takes time.
Can you add a special RPG key that will give a special item from the SF guilde, even stacks of it like the redstone blocks in the vote key....
You will be able to get the key from special events like boss fights or .. See more

#4055 - Status: shortlisted

4 years ago by CyanStriker for Slimefun



For You To BlackList Someone From Your Claim So That Their Home Doesn't Work Can't Get Back In.

#3282 - Status: shortlisted

5 years ago by WolfyShadow02 for Slimefun


Sell Tools

Maybe for Extreme + there could be a sell tool that will sell all contents of an HSU? Because ive had to spend 2 hours trying to empty an HSU of 10 Million wood!

#3280 - Status: shortlisted

5 years ago by IRese for Slimefun



As being a RPG player who tries to enjoy pvp, I believe that the windstaff ruins pvp and needs to be removed. The windstaff is a handy tool for getting around the world but it is the worst thing to ever cross pvp. The windstaff allows any player to get hold of it and consistently. It ruins pvp due to the fact that a player can simply just fly away. it takes away the factor of losing. Personally .. See more

#2783 - Status: shortlisted

5 years ago by egirlLuvrr for Slimefun