Creative mode in Minecraft is a platform that unleashes your creativity, allowing you to build in the most imaginative ways. Whether you prefer collaborating with friends or working solo, Creative offers the ideal environment for various activities, from roleplaying to engaging in build competitions and everything in between.

Getting Started

Upon joining the server, you start without a plot. To claim your first plot, initiate the command /plot auto. Here are some essential commands to kickstart your creative journey:

  • /plot trust : Grant a user permission to build in your plot and utilize WorldEdit even when the plot owner is offline.
  • /plot home: Instantly teleport to your plot(s).
  • /plot clear: Remove all structures from the plot you're standing on.
  • /plot deny : Prevent a specific user from accessing your plot.
  • /plot help: Access a comprehensive list of commands related to plots.
  • /plot gui: Utilize a graphical user interface to manage your plot effectively.

As you explore the server, you can engage in community-driven events like build competitions and similar activities.

Schematic Database

Players have the option to preserve their creations by saving builds or entire plots as schematic files using the /schemdb command. These schematics serve as everlasting backups and can even be transferred elsewhere if desired.


Selection: To define a region for editing, players utilize the wooden axe, the default tool for WorldEdit. Left-click to set the initial position and right-click to set the secondary position, thereby establishing the area you wish to modify.

Setting Blocks: Upon selecting an area, use the "//set [block]" command to alter its composition. For example, "//set stone" will transform all blocks within your selection into stone.

Replacing Blocks: To substitute specific blocks, employ the "//replace [oldBlock] [newBlock]" command. For instance, "//replace dirt grass" will convert all dirt blocks within your selection into grass.

Copying and Pasting: Copying a selection is facilitated by the "//copy" command. Position yourself where you wish to paste the selection and execute the "//paste" command to transfer it to the desired location.

Undoing and Redoing: WorldEdit offers players the ability to undo and redo their actions. Utilize "//undo" to revert your last action and "//redo" to redo an action you've undone.

Brush Tool: The brush tool empowers players to execute intricate edits. Select the desired brush shape using "//brush [shape]" and set its size with "//brush [size]". For example, "//brush sphere 3" creates a spherical brush with a radius of 3 blocks.

By mastering these fundamental commands, players can efficiently shape and manipulate their Minecraft worlds using WorldEdit, unlocking endless possibilities for creativity and construction.