server update

I love playing on rpg and like the fact that you don't lose your builds, but I think it's time for a change I would like for there to be a update to the rpg server.

#10277 - Status: closed

6 months ago by XxNerdSLAYERxX for Slimefun

vote crate

can you guys add into the vote crates on rpg claim bocks like 500 1000 250 ones because its annoying to get claim blocks and you cant afk to get them it would also give me a reason to vote more win win love the server keep it up.

#9850 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by XxNerdSLAYERxX for Global

vote crate and shop

The vote crates in RPG are not worth it. Can we add some spawners in there and increase the chance for a spawn key i don't vote anymore because why? And can you pls add black dye to the shop? The squid spawns suck and you don't sell dark prismarine.

#9789 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by XxNerdSLAYERxX for Slimefun