Enable /tp,/afk in spawn

Please enable /tp,/tphere,/afk,etc in spawn, I dont know why its disabled but its quite annoying to go to my is and then send or accept a tp, or the fact /afk can't be used at spawn.

#10493 - Status: open

4 months ago by Tita_n for Skyblock

/is fly

Please make it so when we do /is fly it still works after we relog, because it automatically turns off.
I lost my Armor and tools because of it. Didn't get it back even though I won the void auc..

If the person disables fly then keep it disabled, but when enabled please make it permanent until the player decides to disable it.

#10478 - Status: open

4 months ago by Tita_n for Skyblock

Dislike botted suggestions

Allowing people to upvote or down vote suggestions could be made so that who have been registered for more than a certain time(maybe months?)
would be a nice idea to stop suggestions getting dislike bombed.

#10379 - Status: accepted

5 months ago by Tita_n for Website

Increasing money bag reward amount

The Money bags I and II at Vote(I)/Battle Pass(II) Crates give very less amount of money. It would be nice to change the price and increase it. I'll leave the value up to you.

#10378 - Status: rejected

5 months ago by Tita_n for Survival

Remove monster spawn in spawn area

Monsters are spawning at spawn areas and warps like freefood,would appreciate if you can disable monster spawn.

#10297 - Status: accepted

6 months ago by Tita_n for Survival

Friend Join messages

Simple suggestion, basically when your friend joins it notifies you in chat and when they leave as well.
Something like [Friends]<playername> has joined., would be nice.

#10278 - Status: closed

6 months ago by Tita_n for Global

The parkour at creative

The parkour at creative is amazing and really fun to do but the after doing some jumps your hunger runs out, you can ofcourse take food with you but the time keeps on going so I thought it'd be a cool feature to add saturation in the parkour region, Thanks -Titan.

#8232 - Status: accepted

2 years ago by Tita_n for Creative

Name changing

Some people are using a way to alt by changing their name in the account they are banned and create a new account with the same name with which they got banned.If a player joins the server they can only change their name after 30 days of playing,which would prevent/not allow the alters to that.
An example of a player who used this as a way to come back in his old name:
https://imgur.com/a/4jkm.. See more

#6816 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Tita_n for Website

World Edit Duration

The current world edit duration for 1 vote is 15mins and 90 mins for 6 votes [5 votes for cracked users], I think it would be great to give 30mins for 1 vote because if a player with no rank is doing a big project for building or even a buildbattle it wouldnt be enough. But giving 30 mins for a single vote would be a great benefit and the total duration is180mins gives the player more ti.. See more

#6748 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by Tita_n for Creative

Title suggestion:

In lobby [when joining the server] The shop (villager) sells cosmetics,costumes,heads for money,i have a suggestion that is it willl super super rare to get a title so we can get titles but only if we are lucky enough.Hope you like my idea.

#3074 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Tita_n for Global

Cosmetics Suggestion:

I would like to suggest a cosmetic which is addding a default dragon wings cosmetic,basically its just for looks/it will be cool,and if you can make it like other players can see each others wings.
They can turn it on/off. And color it.And ranked players can change the color of the wings.I think this would be a great suggestion.

#2973 - Status: closed

5 years ago by Tita_n for Global

Title suggestion:

Hi,i am a big fan of Extremecrafts Titles.I would like to suggest that the default member Title,could have a option to change the Colors of the member Title.I think you like my idea.

#2972 - Status: closed

5 years ago by Tita_n for Global

Title suggestion:

Hi i really like the custom titles in extremecraft.But i cant afford one so can you keep 1 title free.So anyone can use it just for limited days.My-in game-name is :TitanXII.I hope you like my suggestion.

#2955 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Tita_n for Global