
People always run into players that end up trolling them or just won't leave their claim. There has also been moments where you find a really rude person in-game, and you don't want anything to do with them. /claimban will allow players to ban other players from entering their claim, this will also work if they try to get into your base through your pwarp. This will also help minimize th.. See more

#4499 - Status: closed

4 years ago by Goofyhtf for Global

Custom Title Perk

A lot of people want to have a title that represents them, but suggesting a title will probably take awhile due to staff being so busy. Creating a command in game that can be bought in the extra perks section that will allow players to customize their titles whenever in game by just doing /customtitle. Of course they will be censored if the title is inappropriate.

#4323 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Goofyhtf for Global