Improve value of iron ingot

Iron ingot will only be dropped by Iron Golems. As we all know, Igs are one of the rarest spawners that even /store sells them. If the irons are not buffed, it will make igs worthless in price and blockvalue. Since iron's blockvalue are already low, why not increase the sell price. It would become a money making farm rather than island level farm

#4641 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by JavaEditions for Skyblock

75% off

put 75% off on chinese new year pls

#4411 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by JavaEditions for Website

Add title KFC

Yea add it its cool

#4301 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by JavaEditions for Titles

Stacked mobs

Im suggesting a way to let players grind mobs better. Instead of mob spawning everywhere or having a chunk cap limit. You can add stacked mob. Like its only 1 mob there but there will be a tag on top of it like ex. 10x, 36x, 400x etc. I got this idea from other server and I liked it very much. If you would add it to the server many players will also be satisfied.

#3302 - Status: closed

5 years ago by JavaEditions for Global