Slimefun addons

We would like to see more slimefun addons on RPG , like InfinityExpansion , FluffyMachines , and there is more and more
it Will make RPG fun and more things to craft

#9693 - Status: rejected

1 year ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Slimefun

Team Size

It will be great if we have more team size added to the /store .
i feel like 25 member its not enought so maybe you can add for players to buy more Team size for their islands ( this can be used on skyblock , opskyblock , acidisland )

#7677 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Website

Leader Ship

To transfer leader of island we have to kick all the players on the team to transfer the leader so i would like to suggest to make transfering leadership work without we have to kick other player on the team

#5705 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Towny

New title

i would like to suggest new title { Chain } With Light Gray Color

#5566 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Titles

new cmd

Hello !
am thinking about to add new cmd it will be great if you add cmd that make play enable/disable
the msg's you get when u mine with salesman !

#2155 - Status: closed

6 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Skyblock

Slime fun ( STB )

Hello , i hope u like my suggestion
I hope u can make ranked players can place more than 4 item router's in one chunk .

#1896 - Status: rejected

6 years ago by Cha1nSaw_ for Slimefun