Challenges in /c

There's an option on skyblock that lets you do Quests, kind of similar to the quests from the Quest Master, though these challenges in /c are more pointed out to your island. But it's kind of stupid you have to re-do the same quest 50 times over to complete it. like, mine 80 cobblestone 50 times. and you get 50 times an useless reward, rework those challenges into more pointed ones. Like.. See more

#6706 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Acrw for Skyblock

Efficiency VI OR VII

I'd like to get a pickaxe on SkyBlock that either has the stats:

Silk Touch I

Just to be faster with a Silk Pickaxe, even though I have the OP picks; I still prefer to use Silk Touch.
Could be Legendary or Original. (prefer original).

#4016 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Acrw for Skyblock

/warp info

Hey there,

Could you please add the things like last season in /warp info?

Such as Cobblestone gen example, stone gen example, /ps example, some more standard commands etc?
It's real handy for beginning players to see the essentials of how to play SkyBlock & make the basic stuff.

so once they have questions as; "How do I make a stone gen?" I can just say, /warp info

#3987 - Status: closed

5 years ago by Acrw for Skyblock


There's a NightKing but no NIghtQueen, add that one too please :P

#3946 - Status: accepted

5 years ago by Acrw for Global