Adding a carebear title

I suggest you add a &dCareBear title for all those people who comfort people through the server......Just like a Carebear.

#5145 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by SomeVagueRanks for Titles

Add spawners to /shop

I believe that spawners at opskyblock are very rare. And to solve this problem I suggest that we add spawners to /shop. But, with a change, Prices fluctuate depending on the demand(dynamic pricing), so the more the spawner is bought the more expensive it gets
This will not break the economy as people will have to spend more to get more spawners at a later date.....

#4627 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by SomeVagueRanks for Skyblock

LuckyBlock wars

I would like to suggest a new gamemode named Luckyblock wars...basically its like skywars but with lucky blocks...Players can choose whether they want all lucky blocks, normal blocks or unlucky blocks with each having their good and their bad points...There can be custom lucky blocks such as offensive lucky block which can be found at mid and will drop any offensive weapon which can only be obta.. See more

#3489 - Status: closed

5 years ago by SomeVagueRanks for Global