Shovel Title

Hello, I'd rather like to suggest some titles which are tool names, like Shovel, Pickaxe, Sword

#3066 - Status: accepted

5 years ago by Sdrf1445 for Global


Make a custom enchants that it can be put on chests!
than when we place it , and we put items in it , it will sell the items in the chest automaticly
thanks for your good server

#3031 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Sdrf1445 for Towny

Buy rank with in-game moeny

Plz add an option that we can buy rank by in-game money
but it should worth a lot
E.x 100mil for Donor

#2812 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Sdrf1445 for Global

Safe VoteKey Trading

You know a lot of peaple do votekey trading
and you know somebody scams
Possible to add a plugin to make it safely???
that we can have access to the inventory of each server and trade

#2579 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Sdrf1445 for Global