MobHunt Better

Can you guys make it that when theres mobhunt event you can instant tp to spawn or pvp or your base because i cant escape while the mobs are hitting me and i get annoyed when i see higher ranks escaping while i die to mobs without being able to escape.

#10499 - Status: open

4 months ago by Xientl for Global

New Title

Hello,Can you guys add a title called [Redragon] Or [RedDragon] if you accept one of those make it in red and another title called [WarHead] War in red and head in green or blue idk u can choose the color. thats all thank you for listening/seeing this.

#10491 - Status: rejected

4 months ago by Xientl for Titles

UnBan all

unban all then the server will get alive back

#8733 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by Xientl for Global


Unban all them the server will get alive

#8732 - Status: closed

2 years ago by Xientl for Global