2 titles

Both of these titles got accepted in the past but never added



#4345 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by glupsam for Titles


Title: Pilot
Cause why not

#4278 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by glupsam for Titles


Title: Intellectual
For all the smart guys and gals out there

#4277 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by glupsam for Titles


Title: Intellectual do whatever colors but I think blue and red would be best

#4194 - Status: accepted

4 years ago by glupsam for Global

a title

Griefer in gray

#3029 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by glupsam for Global

a title

I have made some people love wood and they even took my skin so here is my suggestion

WoodLover based on CookieLover
in Dark Aqua or in Gold

#2696 - Status: accepted

5 years ago by glupsam for Global

CTA/KOTH suggestion

I suggest for you to add a reward for the top winners in cta/koth which will make more people play and it would be more fun so that there is something bigger people can win and not just a cta key.

#2629 - Status: closed

5 years ago by glupsam for Global


Okay so i have a title to suggest
HorseRider in full gold

#2185 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by glupsam for Global

Its a really nice title

Okay the title name is
its a good title for people like me that make horse races, i don t know the colors but if you make the title i would buy it as fast as possible

#2126 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by glupsam for Global