Bring back Craftable Notch Apples

I resently started playing on skygrid again, and i see now that you cant craft Notch apples anymore. Pleas bring them back.
and maybe we will get some action in the pvp arena. for like it is now its Basicly noone in the pvp arena.
Miss the fun PvP aspect of the skygrid experience. i know you can buy em with tokens but takes forever to get enough for only for 1 desent fight.

#9220 - Status: rejected

2 years ago by 54321null for Skygrid

splash pots

well i have warrior kit and that gives me splash pots that i love but for some reason they dont work in pvp arena splash strenght 2 and speed 2 is what i have tryed they dont work in the arena and thats just stupid would be greate if that can be fixed

#2015 - Status: closed

6 years ago by 54321null for Skygrid

pvp arena

my meaning on the new pvp arena that its just boring and simple the last one was much better so i suggest make a more crative pvp arena and maybe it will be some pvp becus now noone is never in pvp

#1935 - Status: rejected

6 years ago by 54321null for Skygrid


Why cant we use enderpearls in faction land now that just so messed up give WHYY and sethomes and things tho all the other good factions servers allowed those thing that just sux tbh... im mad

#1499 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by 54321null for Factions


i think creeper eggs shuld not cost so much on fac and opfac maybe make different creeper eggs that you can change spawner with and creeper eggs you cant do that with becus all the other factions servers i have been on its normal to have like a stack creeper eggs to raid pepole and if i want that on ec that wil cost so much

#1454 - Status: rejected

6 years ago by 54321null for Global


i think it would be great if example on skygrid/opfaction koth and cta votes dosnt need to be so high atm becus not many pepole are playing it and it would have been fun if it could start on those gammodes tho so lover the votes requirment and it would also be cool if koth cta would somethimes just start randomly without any voting that would have been cool :DD

#1404 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by 54321null for Global

wings trails

i bought wing trails today and realised its not realy trails becus they disapear when you move it wil have been much cooler if they move with you when you goes ive seen that on other server i think it was the same here you guys shuld make it like that :D

#1379 - Status: closed

6 years ago by 54321null for Global