
Cactus price is 0,28 per cactus if you want to sell, everything got more expensive in /shop and all the items we were selling went down in sell price

Can we bring back cactus selling price at 1 dollar ?

#10460 - Status: accepted

4 months ago by Hetisikmaar for Skygrid

Skygrid vote keys

Add more money drops to regular vote keys, this way members can get money faster since everything is already way harder for members
This could help keep up player count

#10447 - Status: open

4 months ago by Hetisikmaar for Skygrid


Make building blocks cheaper in /shop
prices of building blocks are way to high

#10440 - Status: rejected

4 months ago by Hetisikmaar for Global


This reset is terrible no offense

last reset it got almost impossible to get a iron golem spawner
this reset u can buy a stack of cobble for 19.6k?!?!?
Each reset it seems like you guys want to make it harder and harder for ppl without a rank.

Which will impact the amount of players that play on a daily basis which will eventually lead to you guys making even less money....

Please ple.. See more

#10404 - Status: rejected

5 months ago by Hetisikmaar for Global