Capture the arena capping mechanic

Currently teams of high numbers are atrocious when it comes to ctas, majority of the caps of ctas mostly or even always go on their favor. My suggestion is for the capping mechanic of ctas to be 100% in favor for the player who killed the capper, not to random people or to the previous capper's team in the arena. It would be fair for both teams during ctas.

#3518 - Status: accepted

5 years ago by Rynth for Survival

New Title

Make a Canada title with:

Ca(Red)- na(White)- da (Red)
-same color pattern as the flag-

Tnx ✌

#1852 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by Rynth for Global

Staff circulation around servers

Ive got a suggestion that staff should (at least) visit or go around other servers such as (factions, acidisland, survivalgames..) not just afk on their favorite server. Now I know that some people are gonna be like "Oh but staff are people too", and yes I know that, all im asking is at least spare 5-10 mins of their time to consult other people around the server. 

Most servers nowadays barel.. See more

#1138 - Status: closed

6 years ago by Rynth for Global