Increased render distance

I assume the locked render distance is to reduce server load. But only being able to see half of a build is kind of sad, not to mention that it feels like there's a constant "blind" effect applied (due to the foggy effect of the render distance). Could the locked render distance be increased from the current 4 or so chunks to something more fitting a game involving large builds?
Suggested r.. See more

#10329 - Status: rejected

5 months ago by Wisnu for Global

Add ink sacks to the shop.

Considering that there is no access to squids in water, it would be absolutely lovely if we could buy ink sacks from /shop. This would allow us to make more intricate banner designs and such. Adding wither skulls could also be considered specifically for banner designs. (Though you'd probably have to turn off wither spawning).

This would be a nice, little, simple addition to the store. So.. See more

#6552 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by Wisnu for Prison

Friend system.

This has been suggested many a' times before. But please add a friends system which would allow things such as:
/friend add (name)
/friend remove (name)
/friend list
/friend accept (name)
If possible even a tier system of friends (best friend, great friends, friends and so on)
Possibly server-tracking of friends. But just the list itself would be a great tool to have available.

Than.. See more

#4692 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Wisnu for Global

The /mecolors command

Hey there everyone ;) Some other players (and myself) would appreciate being able to also write in red when using /me

So, let's make NxDs allow us to do so ;)

See you all out there. Next time you make a fun or weird /helpop :P

#4257 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by Wisnu for Global