less greif situations

you could add /plot save so that ppl when they get greifed, they could just do /plot paste or something to bring back all of the hard work

#2345 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by Lucariomaster452 for Creative

problems with armor stand details

i cant use either world edit, or command blocks here (creative) to set armor stands either invisible, or small, or with poses, i say it would bring a whole new world of posibilites adding the /summon command but only for armor stands, or you could try adding some plugin for it, i dont know what you will prefer

#2341 - Status: closed

5 years ago by Lucariomaster452 for Creative

squirtle! please!

hello, my name's Lucariomaster, im a pokemon fan, i alaways started with squirtle, but i see only bulbasaur, pikachu and charmander, so that why i want a squirle title! because its unfair for all starters to have a title exept for squirtle!

#2340 - Status: accepted

5 years ago by Lucariomaster452 for Global