New Maps

Maybe add some new maps to /go pvp. For example Halloween is soon,I don't know dude Winter or something....Just add new maps and change the red sand map,everyone hates it for real,because its really small

#6328 - Status: closed

3 years ago by VG for Global

Fight History

Ok so,when you go on /go pvp and fight people,I'd like you to add fight history so for example I can see on forums my history(Idk example VerticalGravity won X - gapple +10 elo) or smthing like that or VerticalGravity won X - gapple unranked etc etc

#6299 - Status: closed

3 years ago by VG for Global

/name On creative

I'd say can you add /name to donor+ ranks because donor has /name,which is kinda useless to rename stuff in no color bc on creative you have unlimited xp.

#6283 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by VG for Creative

YT rank

So basically YT rank is just have nothing,make so if you are on /go pvp you can /disguise for example "You are now disguised as tomato549192"

#6101 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by VG for Global


Hardcore Factions aka HCF

#6050 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by VG for Global