Fishing in factions

Fishing in faction is pretty much pointless. In relation to some other faction servers they let fishing have small chance of getting rare drops such as Spawners/gear/kits/keys. This would give everyone a chance to get spawners; rich or broke you’d still have a chance but you should make the chance really low so people still have to grind for it.

#7487 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by LastKnight21 for Factions

Trash staff

Staff are just trash reluctant to talk about a case in depth especially Doxxer as well as MicaDCE who legit just ignore people whenever banning people for the same things over and over. I suggest a new staff roster lol where they aren't included well it just a personal opinion on how I believe the server needs to improve watch how I get a No unban for this Lol and If I do you'll see what.. See more

#4794 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by LastKnight21 for Global

Make Insiding Bannable

Factions work hard to secure positions on ftop but there will always be that one person who ruins the game for them, therefore implementing this rule will hopefully reduce the number of insides. Plus makes the people want to quit reducing the number of players and if there are insiding what's the point of raiding imagine a base which takes 3 months to make gone in an instant cause of that on.. See more

#4450 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by LastKnight21 for Factions