skybock reset

easter holidays have just hit and me and a lot of my ec mates were talking about how we think sky block should be reset. this would bring interest from players who are in their 3 week holiday now.

#2164 - Status: closed

6 years ago by Drillzy for Global

AHT development

So basically me and white lord are the two top reporters on the anti hacker team, both added together we have caught about 1000 hackers. we were both wondering if possibly there could be a new role implemented for example called "Senior reporter", with this role we could possibly have access to more perms to help catch more hackers. We could even have duties (for example dealing with reports on.. See more

#2089 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by Drillzy for Global

Title suggestion

"Joey" for joe's or Australian people .... also known in England as "Joey" being a bit of an idiot.

#1669 - Status: accepted

6 years ago by Drillzy for Global