Add Gametick Counter Tool

A game tick counter would be great for EC cause it means people can build cannons from scratch much easier which means a higher playerbase for the server. Adding this tool will allow people to actually build a cannon specifically a big one from scratch. Without it, they'll just scratch their head and go to another cannoning server with a gametick counter. I feel like the server right now is .. See more

#6842 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by BigMacJab for Lobby

Custom Enchanted Gear

Make it so that you can add a normal enchant (like depth strider) on gear with custom enchants. It gets very annoying. For example, envoy boots don't have depth strider and I put Speed 3 on it forgetting about depth strider. Now when I try to add depth strider to it I can't, I'd have to get rid of the speed 3 first which would be a waste of a lot of effort.

#6537 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by BigMacJab for Global


Make KOTH rewards more valuable instead of giving just armor and weapons, it can give leggy keys, vote keys, spawners, etc. Nowadays, when a faction is challenged to KOTH, they may not even attend because the rewards for winning are just not worth it, not worth losing 5 sets of op armor for KOTH keys.

#6533 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by BigMacJab for Factions