/cftoggle and /ahtoggle commands

Basically that. The same way /msgtoggle, /paytoggle and /tptoggle serve to enable/disable different options, there should be a /cftoggle and a /ahtoggle command that enable or disable notifications from coinflip and Auction House, respectively.

#10353 - Status: rejected

5 months ago by AscalonStrike for Survival

FAQ book for starters.

Prison gets new players everyday. Some of them already know what prison is about, and know prison is quite different from Survival and other gamemodes that share most gameplay aspects. Others use the signs and instructions that the server offers to know what to do. However, the vast majority of new players don't notice these signs around spawn (like the one that tells you to do /mine to get .. See more

#5265 - Status: closed

4 years ago by AscalonStrike for Prison