Spawners and lava

Hey, spawners shouldn’t burn from falling in lava when raiding or just in general because the chances of you getting them are already low, so please add some plugin to disable that.

#5951 - Status: accepted

3 years ago by DuHubirensobihn for Factions

add back punch to bows from crates!

As the title mentions, you shall add punch III to bows from crates again.

#4758 - Status: closed

4 years ago by DuHubirensobihn for Global

/Jump and /Top

Could you please enable /jump and /top in ally territory or at least add a permission in /f perm list to enable/disable it for enemies/neutral/allies/truces? It’s really exhausting when your allies claim lands for your defenses/walls and you have to swim the whole way up instead of doing /top.

#4687 - Status: rejected

4 years ago by DuHubirensobihn for Factions

Chest stuff youknow

HEY, yeah so like if you have huge pigmen farms with over 100spawners in them, you will be getting a ton of gold nuggets and stuff, which means you need a lot of chests/storage for them,
My suggestion is to have chests that automatically convert gold nuggets into gold ingots/blocks. It doesn't only need to covert gold, it could also be iron diamonds etc.

#3548 - Status: closed

5 years ago by DuHubirensobihn for Global