Bring back old map for a limited time.

After discussing with numerous veteran players on the server, it became clear that many of them hold the Qartz survival PvP map in high regard, considering it one of the best maps ever created. Given this strong sentiment, I believe it would be a fantastic idea to reintroduce the old PvP map as a limited-time event. A one-week duration could provide both older players a chance to revisit their f.. See more

#11043 - Status: open

5 days ago by X5Z8 for Survival


Yes so give admin ty

#6788 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by X5Z8 for Global


I think it would be cool if there was a title called
TheOriginal or TheDarkSider

TheOriginal would be in dark red color
And the other one would be in dark red and black color

#6168 - Status: rejected

3 years ago by X5Z8 for Titles


I am not sure if it allredy exzists Godlike

#6029 - Status: closed

4 years ago by X5Z8 for Titles


If u get banned fore the first time it shuld be on any other servers first ban 30 days and not a perm ban

#3749 - Status: closed

5 years ago by X5Z8 for Global

New game

u shuld add a place that if u get banned u get send there and untill u dont get unbanned ur stuck there but if u hax there u get even banned from that

#3747 - Status: closed

5 years ago by X5Z8 for Global

new mobs

You shuld add costome mob spawners like on some servers

#3531 - Status: closed

5 years ago by X5Z8 for Global

new key

You shuld make a report crate if u report someone and he gets banned/muted u get a key fore the crate

#3478 - Status: rejected

5 years ago by X5Z8 for Global


Im not sure if this exzists already but you shuld add a SuperHero title

#3467 - Status: closed

5 years ago by X5Z8 for Global


You shuld add if you have extream rank that you can do /fly

#2198 - Status: rejected

6 years ago by X5Z8 for Survival