/fly command

Make ./fly a command (perk) for survival, opsurvival, and of course paid one since its actually pretty useful in cases where you want to build something big and save some time and health, really.I'm looking forward to this command because im sure many players that can afford it will get it, how about a cheap price for it? 5-2.99 euros seems decent.

#2810 - Status: closed

5 years ago by Egirl5 for Global

so this hawt plugin..

u should definitely add a friend plugin or watchdog report

#2109 - Status: closed

6 years ago by Egirl5 for Global

sorry these are plugins i love you too

Add watchdog since mods arent always able to do their job and help the server stay clan and let watchdog persuade players into fair play.
You should definitely add /f plugin i mean, u ever just get great friends and lose sight of them? no problem just add them, know when you are online or not and be able to jump to them.

Okay i know, this might take time and stuff but in my opinion watchdog .. See more

#2011 - Status: rejected

6 years ago by Egirl5 for Global