Reset OPSKYBLOCK & fix the cheating

there is a big issue with duping on opskyblock i have no clue how they are doing it but even money is getting out of hand people with dubs and dubs of ig spawners and cheating to 3 trillion after only signing up with ec after 3 days XD the list goes on and on. i plan on breaking the server through legit means but all the cheating is just getting out of hand that people are doing and so its all r.. See more

#8728 - Status: closed

2 years ago by THExOCDxGAMER for Skyblock

bring back /ce or the forums page

i have looked and looked but there is no way to see the full list of custom enchants any more not in game and not on the website thats depressing.
i suggest bringing it back.

so i play opskyblock so instead of the short list of features you could add the commands to the induvial pages like on "" you could have them down at the bottom so people .. See more

#8721 - Status: closed

2 years ago by THExOCDxGAMER for Global