Social, Friends and Votes

Posted by NxDs4 years ago


That's right, we finally added the long awaited Friends feature that everyone wanted so much :ok_hand:
You can now add each other as friend with the command /friend (/f or /fr for short)

Friends menu

You can manage your friend list also through commands, you can see the list of available commands with /fr help


It's well known that our socials, except for Discord, were dead partially because of me.
Actually only because of me, that's why we now have a Socialmedia Manager to handle our Instagram and Facebook and a team of editors and content creators that will hopefully bring back to life our YouTube channel

We're also currently hosting a Giveaway on Instagram so be sure to not miss it:

Our website now also has social buttons on top so that they're more easily accessible but for the lazy ones:

Vote Parties

We're currently testing Vote Parties on /go testing

All you have to do is join the testing server, /vote (or click here) and your vote will contribute to the total votes for the server.
Once the server reaches a certain amount of votes (currently 50 on testing) the vote party will start and everyone who voted will be rewarded, you could even receive legendary or spawner keys.



We also added several minor updates such as:
  • Fixed sand mechanics and slab blasting on Factions
  • Added ender pearl support in creative mode on /creative
  • Monthly meme contests on our Discord with coupon rewards

But this is not all, there are plenty of other important announcements so I'll split this announcement in 2 and post the other part in the next few days :ok_hand: