OpFactions, AcidIsland, Store...

Posted by Dieu3 years ago
It's been a while and if you have noticed yet, OpFactions server is being reset this Friday (4th)! That being said we already pushed some updates to OpFactions including new Custom Enchants. Unfortunately, all old Custom Enchants are now disabled, but you're welcome to test out and give feedback on new Custom Enchants. You can get new enchants at /warp enchanter via NPC and to make things even easier we added XP Bottles to in-game shop (super cheap only $1).

Some of the new things coming to OpFactions with the next reset include:
- TNTTool, you can get with /kit tnttool
- Fixed /f unclaim all bugs, also only Faction leader can now do /f unclaim all
- Updated Faction MOTD, fixed color bugs
- Added new commands to manage Faction Access /f access clear|clearallPlayerclearallFaction
- Fixed /f who/show commands
- Added /f rel check command
- Territory permission was replaced with two different permissions (Claim and Unclaim)
- Updated /f gui to include new features
- Fixed Door top desync bugs
- Added /f chunklist (see list of chunks claimed by your Faction)
- Added new TPA permission
- /f tntfill and /f buytntfill commands were remove (replaced with nearby versions of those commands)
- You can now also use inventory (default) or tntbank parameter on /f tntfill
- Added Ally limit (1) and Truce limit (3)
- Fixed /f home and /f warp commands (tp delay, wrong tp location, fixed tping under bedrock)
- Improved ExtremeCreepers
- Withers were disabled
- Replaced FixAll villager with FixHand villager (at /warp shop)
- You can now only join OpFactions with Minecraft 1.8 and up to 1.12.2
[subtitle]AcidIsland[/subtitle] Hall Of Fame season running on AcidIsland server just ended, mainly because players were just leveraging it to farm free vouchers while there were not actually that many players playing AcidIsland. At this point, we're unable to confirm when the next AcidIsland server reset will come or if Hall Of Fame will still be a thing on AcidIsland - this mainly depends on the amount of players who are interested in actually playing AcidIsland server.
[subtitle]Store and Vouchers[/subtitle] We're planning to remove some P2W items from the store and changing Hall Of Fame Vouchers a bit within the next few days, to prevent players from hijacking whole HOF seasons making it difficult if not impossible for others to play.