Events QnA

Posted by _OnePro_11 months ago

We've received several questions and queries about our events and I'm here to answer them! Starting off we have:

"Who can participate in events?". People who have less than 7 days of registration cannot participate or claim any prizes due to abuse of this in the past.

"What happens if I see someone not following the rules in the events?" Players who are not following the event rules should be told to the event managers who are there to let them know in case this has been missed.

"What if I win an event, how can I claim my voucher?" You can claim vouchers here:

"Can I win a round in an event more than once?" Usually no unless there are exceptions that are made by the Event managers at the event that's being done.

If there are any more questions then feel free to ask me or the Event Managers and we will update this page!