Reset Please

Please Reset Skyblock and i hope it would be fun to play and no more silly updates in mid HOF and no more removing HOF after just 5 rounds like you did with current season while the HOF in towny is still going on with currently 11th round...
and please considerer looking into /shop and manage the rotating prices of items with a genuinely correct plan
1. the rotating prices of items changes once a round ends so it should be 14 days same as the /hof
2. the way prices of items would rotate has to be planned and arranged so same items cant be used for storing and using it for next /hof with a balanced economy between AFK grinding and Active grinding
3. Remove SPAWNERS from /shop that instantly 10m points we dont need such thing in grindy server like skyblock
for example
1st hof would have iron,emerald,redstone,sugar,glowstone,spidereye etc. (1st hof = spawner economy)
2nd hof will have sugarcane,cactus,carrot,potato,netherwart, (herb economy/Non Spawner economy)
you can have the same economies alternating or
even further divide the economy for example
1st hof = iron, emerald (and make prices completely balanced for afker and grinder example iron = 10$ and emerald = 150-180$)(spawner eco)
2nd hof = sugarcane, carrot (prices example --> sugarcane = 1~2$ and carrot ~50-70$(herb/non spawner eco)
3rd hof = cow,pig(animals),diamond(prices --> animal drops = 4$~10$ and diamond 500~600 (spawner vs mining eco)
4th hof = diamond,potato(prices --> potato = 50~70$,poisonous potato = 300$ and diamond 500~600 (herb vs mining eco)(non- afking eco)
and make these economies repeat 🤷‍♂️
this is just an example on how a economy could be balanced in all rounds
i made this suggestion since the rotating price was added but

I personally like the economy we had in starting of the skyblock reset
where sell price of carrot,potato etc was 50$ and the iron and cactus was very much balanced
where grinding was the main way to win
i personally hope that the economy which we had in the starting of this skyblock season would be in next season as well!!!!
its no fun if players are unable to hide the points(carrots) they have and its not really a fun when players are restricted a lot on what to sell etc
players can only come-up with creative ideas and ways to grind points when economy is quite liberal

#11514 - Status: open

4 weeks ago by Ha_Rsh for GameModes