spawner key in vote crate

add spawner key to vote crate chest because spawner is rare in skyblock thanks for reading :)

#10490 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by Ru_Ssi for Skyblock


Make Chop-Chop Efficiency 7

Make it eff7 so we could match with ore collector and other Sharpness 7 Efficiency 7 Protection 7 It would be really good thanks and it would make the price rise more.

#10417 - Status: accepted - See reply

1 year ago by CanBeDamaged for Global


Custom Enchant Removal

Please remove Phoenix Down or nerf it so that it does not drop Iron Golem eggs on opsurvival.
I am saying this with evidence that the enchant has completely destroyed the server economy. A season ago, opsurvival's baltop #1 had 5.2b at the end of the season, and that too, p2w. This season, baltop 1 who hasn't been online for 3 months has above a hundred billion. Iron golem spawner and .. See more

#8135 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Nova_47 for Survival


OverPowered Armour and Weapons

I have been playing OP servers for 2 years and I know that a vast majority of the players would agree with me when I suggest:

1: Removing Mirror 4 from OP chest and replacing with with sealing or just leaving it be.

2: Adding 2 more custom enchants to the OP axe to make it used more. Draconic or Chainer are good CEs which can be used if you manage to fix Chainer CE which sometimes bugs and.. See more

#8104 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Nova_47 for Global


pls add this after opsky reset

you should add a new CustomEnchant called "LifeSteal" for sword and axe

level 1/max: if hit player, will give you 10% of the player's max health, and dealing 50% dmg from how much health you steal (Example: you stole 10 health, it deals 5 dmg to your enemy)

and another CustomEnchant called "AntiHeal" for armor

level 1: reduces healing effect by 30% and the effect last for 3 second a.. See more

#8087 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by Xeithas for Skyblock


Custom enchants

Ddd different mod for custom enchants, the one with success and break rate and magic dust. Current system is borring and doesnt have variety it needs.

#7897 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by KlausR for Global


back to season 1

shockwave on the sword poison too gooey og magic books were bored of this magic books
opfac keep dying and dying every 3 to 4 weeks
we need some fun
that let us add 10 to 20 magic books to 1 sword
not maximum 5 books

#7884 - Status: accepted - See reply

3 years ago by PressC for Factions


New CE

A ce called obsidian breaker (1-2) level 1 breaks obsidian instantaly while level 2 is 100%

#7372 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Efface for Global


Remove Phoenix Down

When Phoenix Down got added in OpSurvival it ruined the community as most of the people started using auto clickers and make alts with auto clickers so they can grind Iron golem eggs and this enchant ruined the game as now if u check baltop for opsurvival people constantly grind eggs and change spawners and are right now on 72bil balance at opsurvival and Phoenix Down has made the game less fun .. See more

#7176 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Bandit_Ozu for Survival




Please remove mirror custom enchant. It gives you thorns and there is no point if ur wearing an opset. It only puts you at a disadvantage. You get thorns, your opponent takes no kb and he takes like 0 damage per heart for thorns. If he has mending, he can repair his armor from the thorns. So, mirror is useless, unless you like thorns so much.

Thank you and please consider this.

#6602 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Gustorious for Global


Renaming Items with Custom Enchants

Make it possible for players to Rename items with Custom enchants, it's really pointless to have the feature on servers with the core of them being C.Es

#6578 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by X3nnoha for Global


Custom Enchanted Gear

Make it so that you can add a normal enchant (like depth strider) on gear with custom enchants. It gets very annoying. For example, envoy boots don't have depth strider and I put Speed 3 on it forgetting about depth strider. Now when I try to add depth strider to it I can't, I'd have to get rid of the speed 3 first which would be a waste of a lot of effort.

#6537 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by BigMacJab for Global


Mob Stacker (CE name)

Hey Guys i would like a CE named Mob Stacker (lvls 1 to 5) 1 Allows you to hit 2 stacked mobs, 2 allows you to hit 3 stacked mobs, 3 allows you to hit 4 stacked mobs, 4 allows you to hit 5 stacked mobs, and 5 Allows you to hit 10 Stacked Mobs

Would love this CE Please Thumbs up if you Think too,

#6121 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Kyezxid for Global



Hi!So,when we die and the keeper enchant works,I think you should make it so that after that the keeper enchant disappears completely off the armor and not stays on it because it gets very confusing,Thanks!

#6058 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by NeRoLeo for Global


Custom Enchant

An Enchantment Called STUN There is only I and II. I has 1% of Stunning the enemy for 3Seconds. And II has 3% of Stunning for 5Seconds. And in the Ce Shop The enchant STUN is goona have a low chance of dropping in the Ce Shop

#5826 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by Havicnax for Survival


Boom way up

Its a enchant for boots.
Use: it will has the chance to explode you and shoot you up for 6 blocks if you health is lower than 3 hearts so you can escape enemys easier.

#5263 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by _IIFacTorII_ for Global


Pickaxe CustomEnchant

This enchant can be usefull on the Factions/Opfactions server in many ways to make factions a more enjoyable game and easy to make and build different things in claimed land. A Custom Enchant that is permanently plafed on a pickaxe that lets you instantly break a obsidian block with just 1 tapping the block. For example:
1. You place a worng obsidian gen block in your base and want to destroy i.. See more

#5213 - Status: accepted - See reply

4 years ago by JuxtXotic for Factions


Depth Strider on Hero+ Kits

Depth Strider really needed for Hero+ Kits. Because I don't see any Drawback for adding that. We know Thorns enchantment causes double armor damage. But Depth Strider don't. So please add that.

#4346 - Status: accepted - See reply

5 years ago by Nyxella for Global


Re-Post CEs

I wAnt staff add more CE , and this one i want you to add Called : Money Drain
Max Level : 3
Info : Each Mob you kill you will get money , each level will increase the money you earn
Lv 1 : 300$/mob

Lv 2 : 600$/mob

Lv 3 : 1000$/mob

Also can u add 1 more level
Lv 4 :1500$ / Mob

#3019 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by KewLinh for Global


pink best friend suggestions

Jelly legs - boots enchantment - removes fall damage completely (super rare +++ just 1 level +++ most servers use that name, maybe something else)

Gathering xp boost - mcmmo xp boost level 1 to 5 = 1-5% OR 2-10% mining , wood cutting , herbalism , fishing, excavation
Combat xp boost - mcmmo xp boost level 1 to 5 = 1-5% OR 2-10% .. See more

#2948 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by HyperDce for Global


Knew Custom Enchants

This is the upgrade of the ce Dragon Heart Lever IV to V and Mending lever IV recover level III Speed IV MIrrior V and The knew ce is guard I to level IV it's Spawn Iron Golem to Gard you From player's Attacking you

#2884 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by CatPrinceOfHell for Skyblock



This enchantment can only be placed on tools and it will give you Haste . Three tiers, each one of them increases the haste enchantment.

#2412 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by DynamoFTW for Global



I got 2 new custom enchants to suggest adding , because the enchants we have in the servers right now are not enough, and you always end up making gear/weapons with the same enchants.
1. Grace/Bless : has a chance to remove negative effects everytime you get a hit. 3 levels , first 5% , second 10% and 3rd 20%
2.Silence: has a chance to silence the opponent so he cant activate his custom encha.. See more

#2275 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by Manostheg for Global


custom enchant extracter

when you use this item on an item that have a custom enchant you can take it of that item and the paper will turn into the custom enchant book that you removed

if there is multipul custom enchant a meniu will pop up asking you what enchant you want to remove

#2005 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by OfficialBanana for Global


Improving Salesman !!

Hey Today I'm Suggesting To Add More Features For Salesman And Here It's

Ad Levels for it And Each Level Inrcane the profit The Item You Sold Like "Salesman 2 Give You 5% More Profit" "Salesman 3 Give You 10% More Profit" It Would Be Rare

Have a Nice Day ^^

#2001 - Status: accepted - See reply

6 years ago by iH4x0rBunnie for Global